Reiki Practitioner Support

Raising Consciousness With Reiki Energy  

If you are a certified Reiki Practitioner, and would like to add your voice to this page, please contact me by email to submit your writing.

Submitted by Beth Clark, Reiki level 1 (soon to be level 2), Kingwood, WV - January 22, 2010

I wanted to comment on the heart breathing exercise. I have had a small bit of time to practice this technique so far but feel that it is going to be a positive addition to my meditation. I felt that as soon as I began practicing the breathing I was able to greater feel and get in touch with my energy. I have had alot of old "issues" arise lately and so I think that practicing the heart breathing is going to be effective with helping me get rid of these thoughts and experiences. This morning after doing a short practice I felt alot better. I am looking forward to incorporating this into my everyday practice and I will continue.


Submitted by Jody Wolfe, RMT, Morgantown, WV - January 19, 2010

Jodie is the owner and operator of Woof's Pet Supply store in Morgantown, located in the Chelsea Square.  She also gives Reiki to animals.

 Laura and I were talking a month or so ago that we worry that all the negative energies that are surfacing elicit in us too many negative emotions: worry, grief, self-pity, anxiety, etc.  I worry that too much of a focus on those energies attracts more negative things.  

Then Laura bought us a both a copy of the latest issues of the Sedona Journal of Emergence which includes articles on changes coming in 2010 and beyond.  One of the first articles I read was "Forgetting/Forgiving Enables You to Move to a Benevolent Focus While in a Physical Body."  According to the author, it's important for us to remember that current energies are a temporary situation, and that forgetting, in order to let go, will not only be necessary but we will be helped to do that.  Meanwhile, Isis suggests the following mantra:  Say with feeling "Things can get better for everyone."  Pause, then add, "Things can get better for me."  Supposedly, this mantra not only helps us maintain positive intent in the face of adversity, it acknowledges our unity with and compassion for others, and aids us in altering our physical, mental, and emotional memories. 

I like this, and have been using it when I feel stressed and anxious.  Part of my problem is that I feel I'm beginning to have cumulative response to loss; I'm piling grief on top of grief instead of letting go of one loss and healing before another occurs, so this idea of the importance of memory (that is, forgetting) in our quest for benevolence toward self and others seems right to me.  I also think this might be a helpful focus for Reiki.