Reiki Practitioner Support

Raising Consciousness With Reiki Energy  


Returning to Source is what this mortal Life journey is all about, in my opinon. 

I've often had ego thoughts that it seems like a very cruel joke on the part of God or the Universe to "send" us to this Earth dimension, where the original higher vibrations of our Soul Essence must descend into lower vibrations resulting in a fragmentation of our energies in order to exist in a low density ego environment. Then we spend the majority of our lives in forgetfulness of our original Soul vibrations and Essence, with the Soul intent of returning to God and our original vibration by way of trauma, crisis and breakdowns.  Yes...that seems the methods of a jokester!

But my Soul reminds me that it's not a joke, and it's not cruel on the part of God or the Universe. 

First, I don't believe God "sent" us here.  I believe we CHOSE, on a Soul level...with great have the many journeys of mortal Expression that we live, or have lived in other Life Expressions.  I believe it is on the basis of agreement; those agreements are between our Soul, our Soul Family and God; and in each Life Expression we live, we express God in the many Life forms to which we agree to journey through.

So here we are, living our individual mortal Expressions of God, with the purpose of returning to God from a seeming prison of flesh and bone in a lower dimension of energies.  We can bemoan the experience or wake up to the reality that we are on a very precious and wonderful Life Journey, where God gets to experience all forms and Expressions of him/her self in our mortality.  That means the good, the bad and all that lies in between those polarities.  We are each a wonderful, mortal Expression of God - no matter what state of mortal beingness we find ourselves in at any given moment. 

The Life journey in the Earth dimenson is a beautiful, masterful plan of forgetfulness and return to the re-membrance...LITERALLY re-membering, or integrating our original vibrations that fragmented when we entered this low density dimension.  It's an adventure, a beautiful work of art in progress and a dance with God as we forget, only to re-member.  That's the journey of Return, and we journey and dance together - seeing and sensing God in each other as we re-ignite from the sparks of Divninty found in each of us.

Welcome to the Return Journey - the Return to our Source of All Life!!  Enjoy every moment, every experience, every thought, emotion, feeling, belief and perspective, and every matter how seemingly negative or positive it all is from your view; for it is God experiencing the beauty and adventure of mortal life through YOU - and YOU experiencing God in a mortal adventure!  What an experience...what a beautiful piece of art....what a beautiful dance we are...and we are the music of the Universal symphony that rings throughout all of Infinity...the music with which we dance.  Quite a masteful plan...don't you agree?

Namaste...the Light of God in me recognizes the Light of God in you.  We are the same Source of All Life.
