Reiki Practitioner Support

Raising Consciousness With Reiki Energy  


The following meditations are ones that I have found to be very helpful in the journey of higher consciousness, or our Return to Source.  Some of the meditations are very basic, and others a bit more indepth.

I encourage you to take some quiet time with your Soul Essence and see which ones resonate with you. 

All meditations that are from sources other than my own experimentation have websites, authors or book references listed beneath the meditation and are published here by permission of the Author/Publisher.

Namaste, Cathy


Heart Abdominal Breathing Exercise - "The Full Breath"


Though this is not really a meditation, this exercise can effectively help to move emotional/mental patterns of ego consciousness into the gateway of the heart, and into the sea of consciousness that is Light and Love.  The exercise is very detailed, in order to help you first practice the different type of breathing before fully implementing the entire exercies.  To access the WORD document, click here:  Heart Abdominal Breathing Exercise.




State of Ease and Heart Coherence Practice

HeartMath Institute and Global Coherence Initiative






The whole purpose of grounding is to more fully experience being IN your mortal body, where you can experience the higher energy attractor patterns in daily living.  It is wonderful to experience the higher dimensions of our Soul and God, to once again touch the angels and Beings of Light that assist us in our Earthly journey, and to get information from higher dimensions.  But if we do not ground these experiences from higher dimensions into our mortal Life, then we will only struggle with information and experiences floating around in our minds but not fully integrating them into our Lives here on Earth.

Grounding creates the energy connection between the heavens and the earth experience; and creates potential for fuller transmission of higher energy information and experience into form and our mortal lives.  It is vital for energy healers to maintain grounding or else we will only be flying around "out there" in the ethers without bringing all that higher dimensional energy here to Earth.  As the old saying goes, "we can be so heavenly minded, that we are no earthly good".  Maintain your grounding!

For some, grounding meditations do not work well. Remember....grounding means being more fully HERE in your mortal body, so we can ground in many other ways to experience our human expressions:

Dancing, singing, music and playing musical instruments

Painting, sculpture, craft work, wood work - nearly all forms of art are grounding

Walking, Hiking, swimming, water sports - nearly all sports, being in Nature in almost any way is extremely grounding.  These are moving meditations.  Camping is also grounding because you are close to the Earth and the 4 major elements of fire, water, air and earth

Making love and sex - in a loving or respectful way - is also grounding.  Agreements of respectful sex and lovemaking actually brings experience of both heavenly and earthly energies at the same time, especially between 2 people of higher energy Expressions.  Orgasms are extremely balancing for the chakras.

Physical labor, especialy outdoors, is also grounding because you are using the body as production of creative energies.

Any type of work with earth elements is very grounding:  gardening, herbal work, yard work, crystal and gem work, etc.

Sweat lodges, medicine wheels and any native american, aboriginal, pagan and celtic rituals and ceremonies are grounding.

Find the grounding methods that work best for you.  Experiment and pay attention to when you feel grounded and ungrounded!

Grounding Meditation  

From the book, "Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline by Katalin Koda © 2008. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.  All rights reserved.

The purpose of this exercise is to form a connection to the Earth.  The connection is essential for all people and especially for healers.  Our Western societies have lost touch with the Earth connection and we spend a lot of time in our heads, metnally draining ourselves with memories of the past and dreams of the future.  If we cannot learn to ground properly as healers and practitioners on a spiritual path, our mental facilities will shift into the healing arena, distracting us from the work at hand.  Grounding helps us to be more fully in the here and now, to recognize the vastness of every moment that is inherent to existence, and to touch the spirit of our planet Earth who nourishes us eacdh day that we spend here.

To do this exercise, it is recommended that you either sit in a cross-legged position or on a straight-backed chair.  Keep the spine straight and focus on a few breaths.  Concentrate on where you are sitting.  Notice the feeling in your buttocks, legs, and feet that press into the floor or ground beneath you.  For this exercise bring your attention down to the base of your spine, to the chakra that resides there, the root chakra or muladhara.  This is located just below the cervix for women and inside the perineum for men.  To do this, you can drop your awareness down into the base of the spine using the exhale.  Imagine your breath as an anchor falling down, down into the body, feeling the warmth at the base of your body.  Keep the concentration focused on the muladhara for several moments.  If possible, visualize the muladhara as a clear red orb, slowly spinning.  If you cant' see this, simply try to gain a sense of warmth or heaviness sitting at the base of the spine.  Concentrate on the chakra for several minutes.

Then visualize a clear, bright, red root or cord growing downward into the floor below.  Allow the root to continue downward, into the rooms or ground below.  The root or cord slowly sinks into the soil of the Earth.  Imagine the roots of other plants around you, growing alongside as you allow your root or cord to grow deeper into the moist earthiness of the planet.  Grow deeper into the rock of the Earth, the heavy, warm granite.  Allow the cord or root to continue on, through the water below the rock and then into the minerals and ore of the deep parts of the Earth.  See the crystals and minerals here, as you continue on to the Earth's fiery core.  Imagaine, as you reach the center, that you are plugging into the energizing core of the Earth.  Feel the pulse of the planet, the heartbeat of the Mother Earth surging up through your grounding cord, into the base of your being.  Spend several minutes in communion with the center of the Earth, noticing the color and form your grounding cord takes.

Notice the qualities of your grounding cord:  the size, the color, and whether it goes straight down to the Earth's core or extends in another direction.  Allow the energy of the Earth to intermingle with your cord, cleansing any dark or muddled spots.  Notice the color of the cord, if it changes or stays red.  Observe any feelings that arise as you ground.  Keep the grounding cord in place, then slowly come back into awareness of your body.  Touch the floor with your hands, stretch out your body as needed, and slowly open your eyes.

Write down any experiences about the grounding cord.  Note it's color, size, and direction.  Grounding cords that are clear, free of dark spots, and that extend all the way to the Earth core show that you have no trouble with grounding and can form a solid connection with the Earth.  Dark, heavy cords may indicate that you hold tension in your root chakra and legs and may have issues concerning security or are deeply rooted in the realm of the physical.  Cleansing the root chakra and grounding will help you to focus on your well-being by balancing body, mind, and spirit.  It will also help you to work through your fears.  A grounding cord that strays and is not directly beneath your root chakra indicates a tendency to root or ground into the past or future, unable to fully focus on the now.  Bringing the grounding cord back below you will aid in keeping you more focused on the present.  The ideal grounding cord should be a clear color, four to six inches in diameter, and grow directly down.  After seeing your first cord, try to realign your cord until it is clear and healthy.  Us this technique before and after each Reiki session (either on yourself or others) to keep yourself grounded.


Auric Cleanse Meditation  

From the book, "Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline by Katalin Koda © 2008. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.  All rights reserved

Clearing the aura is an effective way to develop contact with the body's energy field and learn what affects the field.  Checking in with the auric field and doing the clearing exercise will enable us to see certain patterns.  For example, we may notice that we feel drained after spending time in a smoky room or with a person who talks excessively.  Doing an Auric Cleanse after this encounter will help to revitalize the auric field.  This also further prevents the Reiki Warrior practitioner from absorbing negative or muddled energy from the client.

Sit comfortably in your cross-legged position.  Keep the spine straight, and focus on the breath.  Again, visualize muladhara and check in with your grounding cord.  Notice the color of the cord and make sure it is running smoothly to the center of the Earth.  If you wish, you can take a few moments to run Earth energy up the grounding cord, through your spine, and out the crown of the head.  This helps to loosen any blocks or stagnanacy before doing the full Auric Cleanse.

After a few moments of running Earth energy, visualize or imagine a boundary around your body, a boundary that encompasses your aura.  This boundary is usually egg-shaped, like a balloon, and sits about one and a half to two feet in front of you, beside you, above you, behind you and below you.  Notice any sensations where your auric field crosses through and meshes with your grounding cord.  Imagaine that your aura is a bright color, forming a full sphere, like an eggshell around your body.  At first you may simply imagine this boundary, but with time, you will begin to see the actual shape of your own aura.  When this is possible, you can then see if you need to push out any of the edges that are too close to your body, or pull in edges that are too far away to make the field smooth.  Allow your auric field to tak to you, to show you any parts that need to be smoothed out.  Let your mind and/or your hands do the work.

After your field has been straightened, recheck the color.  Is it the same as you first visualized or did it shift to another color(s)?  What sensations did you feel as you moved and played around with the energy space surrounding your physical body?

Now, pull in the auric boundary so it is only an inch away from your body.  You are pulling in your field and squeezing out anything that is dark or muddled.  Visualize your aura pushing out the unwanted or excessive energies, allowing them to flow down and out through the grounding cord.  Do this for several minutes.  If any images, issues, or negative words come up during the cleanse, imagine them going down through the grounding cord, taken back to the center of the Earth, where they will be neutralized.

You may or may not see negative or muddled energies flowing out of the aura and body.  Maybe there is a sensation of cleansing or simply the intention to cleanse.  To enhance this process, you may use a mantra, or repetitive sound, to intensify the cleansing.  If you are a Reiki Two practitioner, you can use the SHK mantra and symbol to increase the level of cleansing.  Otherwise, you can use the seed syllable, AUM (often seen spelled as OM but pronounced as an ah-uh-mm sound).  You can repeat this sound for several moments aloud in your head as you cleanse your aura.

After a few moments, pop the auric boundary back to it's original place and visualize your auric field filling up with a brilliant color, such as white light, brilliant blue, purple, or pink.  Reshape the field as needed, aiming to visualize the aura about two feet around your body, in the front, back, below, above and alongside.  Imagine any bright color swirling and revitalizing your aura and body.  Notice the difference in your energy field, how you feel lighter and brighter.

Now, recheck the grounding cord and choose any color for your grounding cord for the day.  Again, use the psychic fire to let go of a grounding cord and make a new one, if you wish.  Then come back into the awareness of the body.  Touch the ground and slowly open your eyes.  Write down any experiences you had.  Did you see any color or have any sensations before you did the cleanse?  Could you see the auric boundary and where it needed to be adjusted around the body  What colors or sensations did you experience once you were cleansed?  Continue this exercise after healing sessions to be sure you are re-grounded and cleansed of any energy you may pick up from your clients.

I highly recommend purchasing Katalin Koda's book.  It's one of the best Reiki books I've read.


Creating the Personal Power Field - by Jim Self

This is one of the most powerful exercises I've used in my personal practices.  Watching this YouTube video will help you unplug from energies that do not serve you well, ground "heaven/earth" energies and create a double octahedron within your field in order to contain your energy so that your personal energy is not only peaceful, but creates a more powerful charge of potentials in your Life focus. 

When we are plugged into people and situations that do not serve our highest good, we become drained, leak energy - AND - our energy can even be "sucked" out of us through cords of connection.  This exercise will help you unplug, in a healthy and loving way, and contain the energy of your personal space.  I hope you enjoy this practice!


To view more of Owen Waters' material, please click on the links below:


Insight E-Books














The Enlightenment Meditation


Here is a meditation technique for today’s busy world. It is quick, easy, and effective in producing deeper states of consciousness. When you need inspiration, here’s how to reach it quickly.

Set the purpose of this particular meditation session, be it problem solving or simply general inspiration and enlightenment. Then, consciously detach from that purpose and focus on the technique.

The gateway to spiritual consciousness is through the heart, so that is the entry point to the higher states of consciousness. Heart-centered consciousness is typically focused in a chakra, or energy center, outside of the physical body approximately four inches (ten centimeters) in front of the breastbone. It is a small, whirling vortex of energy operating at a specific frequency of consciousness. This chakra can be used to sense the heart-centered consciousness of others and it can also be used in transmission mode to send unconditional love to others.

Universal life energy comes from the universe, through the Sun, and fills all of the space around you. On a sunny day, when its presence is especially intense, your eyes can often faintly detect globules of this energy floating in the air as you look up towards the clear sky. To invoke spiritual consciousness, add universal life energy to the heart chakra in order to swiftly activate heart-centered consciousness.

Universal life energy responds immediately to the mental pressure exerted by your will. It can be attracted, conditioned and even transmitted outwards to any desired objective. In order to charge your heart chakra with universal life energy, you visualize it coming into your body on each inbreath.

Close your eyes and see it as a vibrant white light permeating the space which surrounds you. Then, see this white light enter and fill your lungs as it passes through your nostrils on each inbreath. Draw this life-giving energy into yourself using the power of your will.

Then, on each outbreath, see this concentration of energy as a brilliant white light moving forward into your heart chakra, filling this center of consciousness with intense light and vitality.

Do this for five inbreaths and outbreaths and your consciousness will shift into a heart-centered focus.

Now, focus your awareness into that sphere of white light in the heart chakra and feel the love that exists there.

Next, transfer that sphere of awareness straight up to the ‘third eye’ energy center, which is positioned outside of the body two inches (five centimeters) in front of where the eyebrows meet. This is a unique energy center in that it combines the light of the Divine Father aspect of the One Creator with the love of the Divine Mother aspect. Within the light of the third eye lies all knowledge as well as all of the love and support of your Divine source.

Focus your awareness in that enlightened energy center in front of the forehead. Have your head tilted slightly up so that, behind closed eyelids, your eyes are looking slightly upwards, not down.

Everyone has their own concept of God, Infinite Being, or the One Spirit. Now, use the power of gratitude to generate a response from this source of all life. Give thanks to your concept of God for life and then ask for God’s love and inspiration to fill your awareness.

The reaction will be immediate and, if you allow it, you will be filled with the wonder of God’s love and gentle power.

Give yourself some time in that sacred space and be receptive to helpful ideas that flow into your conscious awareness from your inner being.